Amazing Yoga
Amazing Yoga teachers are all trained by Sean and Karen Conley and each have 200+ hours of training. Learn more about our team below and feel free to introduce yourself and ask questions to any teacher before or after class. We love getting to know our students and can't wait to meet you!
“Voted Best Yoga Teachers and Best Yoga Studios by the readers of the Pittsburgh City Magazine.”
Read our policies and class descriptions.
Please consider the following when attending your first class:
BRING A YOGA MAT: If you have one, or we have mats to rent for $2.
BUY A YOGA MAT: We also sell a variety of mats at different prices, and we encourage all students to purchase their own for sanitary reasons.
CLOTHING: Wear comfortable clothing. Please note that we practice in a room that's heated to 90 degrees.
WATER: Bring a water bottle. We do not sell water to save on plastic consumption. You can use our filtered water fountain for your convenience.
TOWEL: Please bring one — you will sweat!
EAT: Don't eat too much before you come to class. A piece of fruit or nourishing snack is a good idea about an hour before practice.
ARRIVAL TIME: Please arrive to class at least 15 minutes early. Feel free to introduce yourself to the instructor.
QUESTIONS: Ask questions and also share with the teacher any injuries that you feel they should know about.
BE PATIENT: Keep an open mind and be patient. Just like anything in life, it takes time to adapt to something new. Take a few classes to see if this is right for you.
ENJOY!: Know that after each class you will get stronger both physically and mentally. Enjoy the journey!
Frequently Asked +
Can beginners attend classes?
Definitely. Yoga is so new in Pittsburgh that new students attend every day! We welcome beginners to both our All Levels and Basics classes. If possible, we suggest that new students attend at least 6 classes over a 3-week period to achieve the best results. This will give the new student a solid physical base and a strong understanding of Amazing Yoga. You can prepare yourself for your first visit to the studio by reading the class schedule page for the studio that you plan to attend.
How many times a week should I practice Amazing Yoga?
At least 2-3 times a week. 5-6 times for total physical, emotional and spiritual transformation! The more you practice, the quicker the results — the sooner you will reach your goals, whatever they may be (i.e. centering yourself, toning, strengthening, achieving more balance in your life and on your mat, creating flexibility, achieving more focus in your life and on your mat, losing weight, etc.)
Will I lose weight doing Amazing Yoga?
Many of our students who practice regularly report rapid loss of weight and inches off of their bodies. Many of these students were very physically active before they began their power yoga practice. During a typical power yoga class, students can burn as many as 800 calories!
Does Amazing Yoga give my body as much of a workout as if I go to the gym? Do I need to do my "cardio" in addition to Amazing Power Yoga?
No. Amazing Yoga gives your body much MORE of a “workout” than if you go to the gym. Yoga, when practiced in this vigorous style, works just as well as strength-training for shedding fat. It also makes your heart stronger and boosts cardiovascular fitness, found a study from the University of California, Davis. Practice regularly to stay slim, fit, and serene. Power Yoga works 100% of your body, as opposed to say, running which works about 10% of your body, tennis — about 15%, swimming — about 15%, or ballet — about 30%. You don’t need to be flexible, graceful, athletic, or have “talent.” All you need is yourself, a yoga mat, a clear intention, and your breath. That’s all.
I am an athlete; can yoga help me with my sport?
ABSOLUTELY! A number of top-notch athletes have found yoga to give them the edge they have been looking for. You don’t even have to look to far: Your hometown Pittsburgh Steelers and Pittsburgh Penguins practice Amazing Power Yoga! Other athletes known to practice power yoga regularly include: LeBron James, Georges Laraque, Tom Brady, Shaquille O'Neal, Dan Marino, Barry Bonds, Annika Sorenstam, Carl Lewis, Mark Messier, Evander Holyfield, Pete Sampras, The Los Angeles Lakers — the list goes on and on!
Will I strengthen my muscles with Amazing Yoga?
Yes. More than you can imagine. You will become so strong, lean, and flexible. It will just happen, while your attention is on how calm and centered and focused you have become. Amazing Yoga works and cleanses every part of your body — not just your muscles. You will exercise just about every organ, nerve, tendon, ligament and muscle, fill your body with fresh, oxygen-rich blood, and cleanse out your system. Because of this, after an Amazing Yoga practice, you will experience a beautiful energy and lightness, and clarity of mind.
Do I need to be flexible and able to bend myself into a pretzel to do Amazing Yoga?
No. This has nothing to do with Amazing Yoga. This is one of the many myths of yoga that need to be dispelled. All that matters is that you show up to your mat as often as you can (3x/week minimum is recommended), breathe, and set a clear intention (i.e. Why am I on my mat? What do I want from this practice?). Be as focused as you can about your intention — and you will achieve it.
Is there a competitive atmosphere at Amazing Yoga? Will class be challenging for me?
Competition is the antithesis of yoga. All that matters is that you are doing the best you can in this moment — practicing to your full potential — and resting when you need to. It is important to listen to your intuition, to your body — not your ego. This sets a template for your life: keep your eyes on your own mat (it doesn’t matter what your neighbor is doing), listen to your inner wisdom (not your ego), and breathe. It’s that simple. Then watch your life transform in beautiful ways you never thought possible. It’s up to you to make the class as challenging as you like. Students can lessen the intensity of poses or they can increase the level. In other words: do what you can and have fun in the process!
How does Amazing Yoga differ from other styles of yoga?
Amazing Yoga offers a different kind of yoga practice. It is based on listening to your body. It is a discipline, a way of life. The old fitness mentality is over. You don't need to go to a health club or run 10 miles a day to be fit and beautiful. Amazing Yoga will change the way you look and feel. As a bonus, it’s great for your attitude as well!
What if I can't make it to the studio. Do you have any suggestions for a home practice?
We offer Online Classes, filmed in the studio and filled with the same energy you'd feel being here! It's just $19.99 a month for unlimited access.
Is Amazing Yoga safe for pregnant women?
As with any exercise program, the two general rules of thumb are to check with your physician and to listen to your own body and heed any warning signs that you are in a danger zone either for injury, overheating or overwork. Having said that, Amazing Yoga can be practiced by anyone, as long as modifications are done to accommodate for any individual's issues. Also, if you had a strong practice before you became pregnant, it does help. It's usually not a good idea to start a yoga practice as a beginner when you're pregnant. Also, there are some poses such as inversions and lying on the belly that are truly contraindicated for pregnancy. Also, as we practice in a heated room, again, it is best to discuss with your physician your interest in starting or continuing your yoga practice when you are pregnant.